Want to go to other Toby Land Sites?No problem.Just click on 'Other Toby Land Websites' at the right hand-sides column.
Our Site has now moved to http://tltheblog.blogspot.com

Thank You!
Toby Land The Blog is still in BETA version.So if you find any mistake,please send the mistake you found to tobyland@ymail.com,thanks!

Toby Land Channel has upgraded to 2.0 BETA,thanks for everyone who support Toby Land.


New web adress

Now Toby Land Blog has TWO adress

One is



Tripee is available now!

Tripee is available now!

About H.O.T

You can send us some Toby Land News using videos,words...........

Jokes,Comics..............is also allowed

The person who created the piece of work will be awarded 500 TD,if their piece of work is appeared in Toby Land News Report.


New Video in Toby Land Channel

New Video in Toby land Channel,Click Here to go to that site.

About TLTB version 2.0

We are upgrading our blog since our blog is look not too good,so we change the template.if you see that the template is change,it is not fake Woh Woh's fluat.

New Sneak peaks!!!

Toby Land The Blog creators are creating their second news report,unlike the old news report.Staring from this news report,there is animation of Woh Woh talking in the news.Again,thank you for all of you for supporting Toby Land The Blog.


New vidoes in Toby Land Channel

News Report on 21/7/09 is available now,click here to go to the site.

*Sound is now available,but it is not too loud,maybe you should turn on the loudest sound to hear,also not available on most laptops.Sorry for uncovience that we bring you.

*If you can't hear,you can put an earphone to your ear and the computer to hear it.


20/7 News Report Part 1 & 2

Part 1

Part 2

Toby Land Channel

The Toby Land Channel is online now!



Please read the "Toby Land Update" on the left corner.


Upgrading in Toby Land The Blog

Soon,Toby Land The Blog will be upgrading to version 2.0.Thank you for supporting us for so long.Better websites,vidoes........ are coming soon.


New Videos In Toby Land Videos

New Videos In Toby Land Videos!Click here to go to the site.

The Visitor Counter

We had add a Visitor Counter to the blog.


Chinese Version of Toby Land The Blog is coming soon.

Chinese Version of Toby Land The Blog is coming soon.Thanks for your support of Toby Land the Blog and other Toby Land's blog,thank you!

*The artice of Toby Land The Blog will be view in Chinese and English starting from 17/7/2009.

Toby Land Videos has released

After one night of making the new web,Toby Land Videos has just released.To get to there,Please click here.

Woh.Bot. dancing

Remember to watch Woh.Bot. dancing below the posts!
*We have deleted Woh.Bot dancing in Toby Land The Blog,to watch this video,please Click the web http://tobylandvideos.blogspot.com


Another message of "Fake WohWoh"

He sent a message to us.

What does he mean?

"Fake WohWoh" is gone

"Fake WohWoh"is going to a far planet. He leave his message.

New Update on Toby Land Offical Site

Click Here to go to Toby Land Offical Site.


Toby Land Offical Site is released

Click Here to go to the Offical Site of Toby Land.

Sneak peaks III

We are building another web of Toby Land.It is not just a simple web.It is a Flash Web,we estimed the finish time of the website is either today or tomorrow,so stay tuned for more latest news about the web!!!

Chapter 5 of Woh Woh adventure in a diary is released

Click Here to see the chapter 5 of Woh Woh Adventure in A Diary.

Super Mariwoh

The Super Mariwoh Bros.!



WR1 was been destroyed again!

Bad news! WR1 was been destroyed again!
And we took a new photo of "Fake WohWoh"

He stole the WP1/2, the mini-rescue ship in WR1! And then he destroyed WR1!
He kidnapped the 3 other WohWohs too!

Toby Land Galaxy

It is the Toby Land Galaxy! Beware of the Toby Land Universe's Blackhole!

Chapter 4 of Woh Woh Adventure in A Diary has relesed

Click Here to see the chapter 4 of Woh Woh Adventure in A Diary.

Toby Land Farm Coming Soon!

Toby Land Farm is coming soon!You can buy trees,larger land,animals...............................

(Of course!Toby Land Farm is not as beautiful as the farm in the picture.)


Woh Woh Adventure In a Diary 3

Click Here to see the chapter 3 of Woh Woh Adventure in A Diary.

Woh Woh 1 SOS emergency signal

Emergency News:

We have just recived the SOS signal from (rocket)Woh Woh 1 on Mars.
We have just confirmed all 3 Woh Wohs are safe.
We are going to launch an emergency rocket (WR1)to Mars to pick up them in 5 minutes' time.

Fake Woh Woh is Still ALIVE???

OMG! They are still ALIVE??

Check our new chapter of story!

Click here to read WohWoh's Adventure in a Dairy's Chapter 2


BatWoh Saves the World!

BatWoh catched the rocket with bomb!

Then,he threw it back in to the space.

BOOM!!! Fake WohWoh's Planet exploded!

The Bomb

The rocket with bomb is coming to Planet Toby Land!
But... He will save our world!

Toby Land Newsletter



Page 3

Page 4


Bye Bye Toby Land...

Another message of "Fake WohWoh"...

After 30 minutes, Toby Land will..... EXPLODE!
We must save Toby Land!

Fake Woh Woh's Message

We just recive a messsage from "Fake Woh Woh's Helper".



The WohWoh1 Rocket was destroyed!! But...why??


Sorry! TLTB is catching "Fake WohWoh's Messy Flu!" YYE&YEGIUW&^*&%W^DWGTDYGTU

Bwahaha~ I am the 01100110011000010110101101100101011

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Facebook games blog service starting Now!!!!

Now,facebook Games Blog has been open up,click this link to go to there.


Woh Woh Is Kidnapped

Facebook Games Blog

Facebook Games Blog is coming soon,it will be including facebook games links,photos,bugs.................

Thank You for supporting our Toby Land Blog!We will make it better and nicer.

Woh Woh landing On Mars

5 Hours later,The WOHWOH 1 Rocket will be landing on Mars,Here is the latest photo of landing on Mars.

Woh Woh Destroying City!!!!

Here is a photo of Woh Woh destroying Hong Kong!!!

Ps:The Woh Woh is call transparent Woh Woh!


WohWoh's Adventure in a Diary

Chapter 1B
WohWoh disappeared

The Toby Land Police (TLP) saw the dairy and give back to WohWoh. He said."Hey! WohWoh, this dairy is YOURS!!" WohWoh felt frightened and he took back the dairy.
Suddenly, someone pushed WohWoh and WohWoh fell down. Then, the dairy lit up a strong light. WohWoh stood up and took the dairy. The strong light "brang" away WohWoh.
WohWoh disappeared and nobody can see WohWoh disappear.

To Be Continued...

The Fake "WohWoh"

WohWoh's Adventure in a Dairy

Chapter 1

The Dairy

A Woh Woh has recently found a very very very old diary on the beach,then he give it to the police and the police read it ...
To Be Continued...

The New Planet

New Charaters

I've added two more Toby Land Charaters.

News by TLP

Hints: Click on the image to zoom it.

changing banner

Woh Woh is demolishing the banner because he thinks its to ugly,so he draw a new banner and put on the top of the blog.Ssssssh!Don't tell Toby and Keith!

Secert Message

Coming Soon!!

Robot, Woh Woh?!

They will be back....

Sneek Peak I

From now on ,we will post more sneek peaks weekly.


Where is it??


Welcome to Toby Land The Blog, where we'll be posting sneak previews of artwork, bonus materials, and lots more. So stay tuned!